
All information contained in this web site (hereinafter referred to as the "Information") is included for the purposes of providing financial, management, and other information concerning ASKUL Corporation and its group companies (hereinafter referred to as "ASKUL"), but ASKUL makes no guarantee whatsoever with regards to the accuracy or completeness of the Information. In addition, ASKUL accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage that may be sustained by users of this web site as a result of using, or not using, the Information.

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Whilst ASKUL has taken the greatest possible care with regard to the content of the Information, ASKUL accepts no responsibility whatsoever for such information for any reason, including but not limited to errors regarding the Information, the falsification of the content of the data by any third parties, malfunctions arising due to the downloading of the data, and adequacy of the frequency of updates being carried out for this web site.

ASKUL may change or delete the Information or suspend or discontinue the operation of this web site without providing advanced notice. This web site may not include all the information ASKUL has disclosed to the Tokyo Stock Exchange and may include information that is expressed differently from the disclosed information.

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The Information is not provided for the purpose of soliciting investments. If investors actually proceed to invest in ASKUL, investors are cautioned not to rely solely on the Information as their source of information. Investors should conduct and rely on their own investigations and form their own independent judgment prior to making such investments.

Forward-Looking Statements

All forecasts, strategies, management policies, and other elements of the Information that are not historical facts have been prepared based on ASKUL’s management’s judgment staking into consideration information available on the day of its announcement and assumptions drawn therefrom, and thus contain risks and uncertainties. Therefore, actual business results may differ materially from these forward-looking statements due to the affects of changes in economic and other circumstances that may occur in the future.


  • *1 The above disclaimer may be changed at any time without advanced notice.
  • *2 Please also see the Terms of Use.

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