Investor-related inquiries

Please make your inquiries as specific as possible.

Enter the required information and then click the "Confirm" button.
All customer information transmitted via this website will be protected by SSL encrypted communication.

Inquiry Form・Confirmation Screen・Completion Screen

Your name
  Up to 20 characters   Up to 20 characters
Last name First name
E-mail address
Please enter again for confirmation.
Description of your inquiry
Up to 2,000 characters

The personal information provided by you will be used when replying to inquiries, etc. and for contacting you.
All personal information will be handled according to "ASKUL Information Security Policy and Privacy Policy.New Window" We inform you that you need to agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy before you can send this inquiry form. If you do not agree, you will not be able to send the form.

Please note that in some cases we may not be able to answer your inquiry, depending on the nature of the inquiry.