Find answers to common questions about ASKUL’s IR information.

Stock Information

Does ASKUL offer discounts or other benefits to shareholders?

Total of 2,000JPY off coupon (500JPY×4 ) that can be used at LOHACO is sent twice a year to shareholders who own 100 or more shares.

Please note that in order to be eligible to receive the benefit twice a year, you must be on the list of the Company’s shareholders on both November 20 and May 20. 

Until when do I have to purchase shares to be entitled to the shareholder benefit program?

The vesting dates for shareholder benefit program are May 20 and November 20 of each year, and one must become a shareholder by the final day of the vesting period, which is three business days prior to the vesting date. For the vesting date of Monday, May 20, 2024, shares must be purchased by Thursday, May 16, 2024 to obtain rights related to shareholder benefits. For details, please contact your securities company.

What is ASKUL's unit stock (trading unit)?

The unit stock is 100 shares.

Who should I contact to transfer the registered owner of shares, change my address and perform other services involving my ASKUL stock?

For shareholder services, please contact our transfer agent, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited.
For more information, click here.

Financial Results

Where can I find data on the latest trends in operating results?

Our operating results for the last eleven years are presented on this website.
Click here to see the Financial Highlights section.

How are ASKUL's monthly net sales trending?

A graph of our monthly net sales can be found by clicking “Monthly” in the Financial Highlights section. Click here to jump to the Financial Highlights section.

When are operating results for each fiscal year released?

In early July.
Please view the IR Calendar for more information.

Can I view the materials distributed at results briefings for institutional investors?

Summaries of financial results, presentation materials, and other main handouts are available on this website. Click here to view main handouts.

Other Information

What is ASKUL's code number?

The code number is 2678.